In keeping with tradition, we will alternate the choice of pronouns we use to refer to our baby until we have some concrete evidence that we should stick to either "he" or "she" exclusively, sometime around week 20.
This week in my belly, Peanut's nose, mouth and ears are beginning to take shape and he'll start to have little arm and leg buds protruding from his bean-like body. As you can see from the ultrasound, "bean-like" is the most appropriate descriptor for our little baby. Peanut is the little bean --about a half an inch long now--that you see at the bottom of the ring inside the dark spot at the center of the picture.
Meanwhile, we found out that there are two small blod clots on Peanut's gestational sac that need to heal. My part in this is to take it easy, rest, and not lift anything heavy (like Abby). Your part in this is to pray for quick healing and that Peanut would continue to develop normally and have a healthy environment in which to grow.
Having been through this once before makes this no less of a wonder to me and Justin. We were still blown away to see that little bean moving around in the ultrasound, still amazed at the miracle of life, and still thrilled that God would bless us with another one of his children to care for. Thanks for helping us countdown to Peanut's arrival!
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